Friday, June 4, 2010

Something For Everybody

I have been listening to two albums fairly heavily for the past few days. Then last night, as I sat at work been bored out of my skull, I realized that one of the bands was perfect for Minks - while the other is just what Corey digs. Holy shit!

Josh, I'm sure your like me and will probably like both of the bands.

First, for Corey's listening pleasure: Los Campesinos. Are they British (or at least sound that way)? Check. Do they have bits of electronic music in their sound? Check.

For Minks: Deer Tick. Are there bits of outlaw country in their influence? Hell yes. Do some of their songs sound like redneck party music? You goddamn right.


  1. Hell yeah - I've been listening do deer tick for a while, its good stuff.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can't see the Deer Tick video at work. In the Los Campesinos gons, there is a chord change at exactly 1:08 where I decided I like this song.
